Source code for ocr_utils.table

from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generic, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union

import alto
import cv2
import numpy as np
import pytesseract
from tqdm import tqdm

from ocr_utils.commons import assert_one_page_and_get_it

T = TypeVar('T')

[docs]@dataclass class Cell(Generic[T]): content: T colspan: int = 1 rowspan: int = 1
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dict_: Dict, factory: Optional[Callable[[Dict], T]] = None) -> 'Cell': dict_ = dict_.copy() if factory: dict_['content'] = factory(dict_['content']) return cls(**dict_)
[docs]@dataclass class Row(Generic[T]): cells: List[Cell[T]]
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dict_: Dict, factory: Optional[Callable[[Dict], T]] = None) -> 'Row': dict_ = dict_.copy() dict_['cells'] = [Cell.from_dict(cell, factory) for cell in dict_['cells']] return cls(**dict_)
[docs]@dataclass class Table(Generic[T]): headers: List[Row[T]] rows: List[Row[T]]
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return asdict(self)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dict_: Dict, factory: Optional[Callable[[Dict], T]] = None) -> 'Table': return cls( [Row.from_dict(row, factory) for row in dict_['headers']], [Row.from_dict(row, factory) for row in dict_['rows']], )
[docs]@dataclass class LocatedTable(Generic[T]): table: Table[T] h_pos: int v_pos: int height: int width: int
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: dict_ = asdict(self) dict_['table'] = self.table.to_dict() return dict_
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dict_: Dict[str, Any], factory: Optional[Callable[[Dict], T]] = None) -> 'LocatedTable': dict_ = dict_.copy() dict_['table'] = Table.from_dict(dict_['table'], factory) return cls(**dict_)
def _invert_image(img: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: _, img_bin = cv2.threshold(img, 200, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) img_bin = 255 - img_bin return img_bin
[docs]@dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class Contour: x_0: int x_1: int y_0: int y_1: int def __post_init__(self): if self.x_0 > self.x_1 + 1: raise ValueError(f'{self} is not correct') if self.y_0 > self.y_1 + 1: raise ValueError(f'{self} is not correct')
def _build_contour(contour) -> Contour: x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(contour) return Contour(x, x + w, y, y + h) def _get_vertical_lines(img: np.ndarray): kernel_len = np.array(img).shape[0] // 300 ver_kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (1, kernel_len)) image_1 = cv2.erode(img, ver_kernel, iterations=3) return cv2.dilate(image_1, ver_kernel, iterations=3) def _get_horizontal_lines(img: np.ndarray): kernel_len = np.array(img).shape[1] // 300 hor_kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (kernel_len, 1)) image_2 = cv2.erode(img, hor_kernel, iterations=3) return cv2.dilate(image_2, hor_kernel, iterations=3) def _is_empty(contour: Contour) -> bool: return ( abs(contour.x_0 - contour.x_1) <= 4 * _PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD or abs(contour.y_0 - contour.y_1) <= 4 * _PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD ) def _extract_contours(img: np.ndarray) -> List[Contour]: img_bin = _invert_image(img) img_vh = cv2.addWeighted(_get_vertical_lines(img_bin), 0.5, _get_horizontal_lines(img_bin), 0.5, 0.0) kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (2, 2)) img_vh_2 = cv2.erode(~img_vh, kernel, iterations=2) _, img_vh_3 = cv2.threshold(img_vh_2, 128, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU) contours, _ = cv2.findContours(img_vh_3, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) built_contours = [_build_contour(contour) for contour in contours if len(contour) == 4] return [ct for ct in built_contours if not _is_empty(ct) and not _is_full_page(ct, img)]
[docs]@dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class DetectedCell: text: str contour: Contour lines: List[alto.TextLine] = field(default_factory=list) def __post_init__(self) -> None: if self.lines: self.text = '\n'.join([' '.join(line.extract_strings()) for line in self.lines])
def _str(text: Union[str, bytes]) -> str: if isinstance(text, bytes): return text.decode() return text def _truncate(img: np.ndarray, contour: Contour) -> np.ndarray: return img[contour.y_0 : contour.y_1, contour.x_0 : contour.x_1] def _extract_string(img: np.ndarray, contour: Contour, lang: str) -> str: return _str(pytesseract.image_to_string(_truncate(img, contour), lang=lang)) def _decode(content: Union[str, bytes]) -> str: return content.decode() if isinstance(content, bytes) else content def _extract_lines(img: np.ndarray, contour: Contour, lang: str) -> List[alto.TextLine]: truncated_image = _truncate(img, contour) alto_ = alto.parse(_decode(pytesseract.image_to_alto_xml(truncated_image, lang=lang))) return assert_one_page_and_get_it(alto_).extract_lines() def _area(contour: Contour) -> float: return (contour.x_1 - contour.x_0) * (contour.y_1 - contour.y_0) def _image_area(img: np.ndarray) -> float: assert len(img.shape) == 2 return img.shape[0] * img.shape[1] def _is_full_page(contour: Contour, img: np.ndarray) -> bool: return (_area(contour) / _image_area(img)) >= 0.95 def _extract_cells(img: np.ndarray, lang: str) -> List[DetectedCell]: contours = _extract_contours(img) all_lines = [_extract_lines(img, ct, lang) for ct in tqdm(contours, leave=False, desc='Parsing table cells.')] return [DetectedCell('', contour, lines) for lines, contour in list(zip(all_lines, contours))] _PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD = 10 def _lines_are_neighbor(line: Tuple[int, int, int], line_: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> bool: x_0, x_1, y = line x_0_, x_1_, y_ = line_ if abs(y - y_) >= _PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD: return False return any( [ x_0 - 1 <= x_0_ <= x_1 + 1, x_0 - 1 <= x_1_ <= x_1 + 1, x_0_ - 1 <= x_0 <= x_1_ + 1, x_0_ - 1 <= x_1 <= x_1_ + 1, ] ) def _left_line(contour: Contour) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: return (contour.y_0, contour.y_1, contour.x_0) def _right_line(contour: Contour) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: return (contour.y_0, contour.y_1, contour.x_1) def _upper_line(contour: Contour) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: return (contour.x_0, contour.x_1, contour.y_1) def _lower_line(contour: Contour) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: return (contour.x_0, contour.x_1, contour.y_0) def _are_neighbor(cell: DetectedCell, cell_: DetectedCell) -> bool: return any( [ _lines_are_neighbor(_left_line(cell.contour), _right_line(cell_.contour)), _lines_are_neighbor(_left_line(cell_.contour), _right_line(cell.contour)), _lines_are_neighbor(_upper_line(cell.contour), _lower_line(cell_.contour)), _lines_are_neighbor(_upper_line(cell_.contour), _lower_line(cell.contour)), ] ) def _get_highest_ascendant(element: T, element_to_parent: Dict[T, T]) -> T: parent = element_to_parent[element] previous_parent = element while parent != previous_parent: previous_parent = parent parent = element_to_parent[parent] return parent def _revert_dict(input_dict: Dict[T, T]) -> Dict[T, List[T]]: group_to_elements: Dict[T, List[T]] = {} for element, group in input_dict.items(): if group not in group_to_elements: group_to_elements[group] = [] group_to_elements[group].append(element) return group_to_elements def _build_groups(element_to_parent: Dict[int, int]) -> List[List[int]]: element_to_group = {element: _get_highest_ascendant(element, element_to_parent) for element in element_to_parent} return list(_revert_dict(element_to_group).values())
[docs]def group_by_proximity(elements: List[T], are_neighbors: Callable[[T, T], bool]) -> List[List[T]]: if not elements: return [] element_to_group: Dict[int, int] = {} for rank, element in enumerate(elements): for rank_, element_ in enumerate(elements[:rank]): if are_neighbors(element, element_): if rank not in element_to_group: element_to_group[rank] = rank_ else: element_to_group[_get_highest_ascendant(rank_, element_to_group)] = _get_highest_ascendant( rank, element_to_group ) if rank not in element_to_group: element_to_group[rank] = rank groups = _build_groups(element_to_group) return [[elements[i] for i in group] for group in groups]
def _are_close(x: int, y: int) -> bool: return abs(x - y) <= _PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD def _mean(ints: List[int]) -> int: if not ints: raise ValueError('Cannot compute mean on empty list.') return int(sum(ints) / len(ints)) def _group_ints(ints: List[int]) -> List[int]: groups = group_by_proximity(ints, _are_close) return [int(_mean(group)) for group in groups] def _detect_horizontal_border_levels(cells: List[DetectedCell]) -> List[int]: all_levels = [level for cell in cells for level in (cell.contour.y_0, cell.contour.y_1)] return sorted(_group_ints(all_levels)) def _detect_vertical_border_levels(cells: List[DetectedCell]) -> List[int]: all_levels = [level for cell in cells for level in (cell.contour.x_0, cell.contour.x_1)] return sorted(_group_ints(all_levels)) def _assert_positive(int_: int) -> int: if int_ < 0: raise ValueError(f'Int {int_} is not positive') return int_ def _find_fuzzy_rank(candidate: int, borders: List[int]) -> int: for rank, border in enumerate(borders): if _are_close(border, candidate): return rank raise ValueError(f'No close border was found for the candidate:\ncandidate={candidate}\nborders={borders}') def _extract_row_rank(cell_contour: Contour, horizontal_borders: List[int]) -> int: return _find_fuzzy_rank(cell_contour.y_0, horizontal_borders) def _extract_col_rank(cell_contour: Contour, vertical_borders: List[int]) -> int: return _find_fuzzy_rank(cell_contour.x_0, vertical_borders) def _extract_colspan(cell_contour: Contour, vertical_borders: List[int]) -> int: x_0_rank = _find_fuzzy_rank(cell_contour.x_0, vertical_borders) x_1_rank = _find_fuzzy_rank(cell_contour.x_1, vertical_borders) return _assert_positive(x_1_rank - x_0_rank) def _extract_rowspan(cell_contour: Contour, horizontal_borders: List[int]) -> int: y_0_rank = _find_fuzzy_rank(cell_contour.y_0, horizontal_borders) y_1_rank = _find_fuzzy_rank(cell_contour.y_1, horizontal_borders) return _assert_positive(y_1_rank - y_0_rank) def _radius(ints: List[int]) -> int: return max(ints) - min(ints) def _build_table(cells: List[DetectedCell]) -> LocatedTable: horizontal_borders = _detect_horizontal_border_levels(cells) vertical_borders = _detect_vertical_border_levels(cells) rows: List[List[Tuple[int, Cell]]] = [[] for _ in range(len(horizontal_borders))] for cell in cells: row_index = _extract_row_rank(cell.contour, horizontal_borders) col_index = _extract_col_rank(cell.contour, vertical_borders) rowspan = _extract_rowspan(cell.contour, horizontal_borders) colspan = _extract_colspan(cell.contour, vertical_borders) rows[row_index].append((col_index, Cell(cell.text, rowspan=rowspan, colspan=colspan))) final_rows = [Row(cells=[cell for _, cell in sorted(row, key=lambda x: x[0])]) for row in rows if row] return LocatedTable( Table(headers=[], rows=final_rows), v_pos=min(horizontal_borders), h_pos=min(vertical_borders), width=_radius(vertical_borders), height=_radius(horizontal_borders), ) @dataclass class _Rectangle: h_pos: int v_pos: int width: int height: int def _hide_rectangles(image: np.ndarray, rectangles: List[_Rectangle]) -> np.ndarray: color = (255, 255, 255) image = image.copy() for rect in rectangles: cv2.rectangle(image, (rect.h_pos, rect.v_pos), (rect.h_pos + rect.width, rect.v_pos + rect.height), color, -1) return image def _hide_tables(image: np.ndarray, tables: List[LocatedTable]) -> np.ndarray: rects = [_Rectangle(table.h_pos, table.v_pos, table.width, table.height) for table in tables] return _hide_rectangles(image, rects) def _cell_rectangle(cell: DetectedCell) -> _Rectangle: ct = cell.contour return _Rectangle(ct.x_0, ct.y_0, ct.x_1 - ct.x_0, ct.y_1 - ct.y_0) def _hide_cells(image: np.ndarray, cells: List[DetectedCell]) -> np.ndarray: rects = [_cell_rectangle(cell) for cell in cells] return _hide_rectangles(image, rects) def _extract_cells_and_tables( image: np.ndarray, lang: str, hide_tables: bool ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, List[LocatedTable], List[DetectedCell]]: cells = _extract_cells(image, lang) grouped_cells = group_by_proximity(cells, _are_neighbor) tables = [_build_table(group) for group in grouped_cells] if hide_tables: image = _hide_tables(image, tables) return image, tables, cells
[docs]def extract_tables_from_image(image: np.ndarray, lang: str) -> List[LocatedTable]: """ Detects and returns tables in images using opencv for structure detection and pytesseract for cell content detection Parameters ---------- image: np.ndarray Input image as an array of pixels, (output of `cv2.imread(image_filename, 0)`) lang: str Lang to use when performing OCR Returns ------- tables: List[LocatedTable] List of tables with their position in the original image """ return _extract_cells_and_tables(image, lang, False)[1]
[docs]def extract_and_hide_tables_from_image(image: np.ndarray, lang: str) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, List[LocatedTable]]: """ Detects and returns tables in images using opencv for structure detection and pytesseract for cell content detection. Then hides detected tables from the original image. Parameters ---------- image: np.ndarray Input image as an array of pixels, (output of `cv2.imread(image_filename, 0)`) lang: str Lang to use when performing OCR Returns ------- image: np.ndarray Output image as an array of pixels with blank rectangle over detected tables tables: List[LocatedTable] List of tables with their position in the original image """ new_image, tables, _ = _extract_cells_and_tables(image, lang, True) return new_image, tables
[docs]def extract_tables(image_filename: str, lang: str) -> List[LocatedTable]: """ Detects and returns tables in images using opencv for structure detection and pytesseract for cell content detection Parameters ---------- image_filename: str Path of the input image. lang: str Lang to use when performing OCR. Returns ------- tables: List[LocatedTable] List of tables with their position in the original image """ img = cv2.imread(image_filename, 0) return extract_tables_from_image(img, lang)
[docs]def extract_and_hide_tables(image_filename: str, output_filename: str, lang: str) -> List[LocatedTable]: """ Detects and returns tables in image Save image with detected tables covered by a blank rectangle (using opencv for structure detection and pytesseract for cell content detection) Parameters ---------- image_filename: str Path of the input image. output_filename: str Location of the output image (input image with detected tables covered by blank rectangle). lang: str Lang to use when performing OCR. Returns ------- tables: List[LocatedTable] List of tables with their position in the original image """ new_image, tables = extract_and_hide_tables_from_image(cv2.imread(image_filename, 0), lang) cv2.imwrite(output_filename, new_image) return tables
[docs]def extract_and_hide_cells(image_filename: str, output_filename: str, lang: str) -> List[DetectedCell]: """ Detects cells Returns all detected cells with their parsed content Saves image with detected cells covered by a blank rectangle (using opencv for structure detection and pytesseract for cell content detection) Parameters ---------- image_filename: str Path of the input image. output_filename: str Location of the output image (input image with detected tables covered by blank rectangle). lang: str Lang to use when performing OCR. Returns ------- cells: List[DetectedCells] List of detected cells """ input_image = cv2.imread(image_filename, 0) cells = _extract_cells(input_image, lang) new_image = _hide_cells(input_image, cells) cv2.imwrite(output_filename, new_image) return cells